Spacecrafts - Satellites
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85.. Pioneer 5 -
NASA's Pioneer 5 provided the first map of the interplanetary magnetic field.
The spacecraft had originally been intended for a Venus encounter, but the mission was switched
to a direct entry into solar orbit.
Pioneer 5 carried Telebit, the first digital telemetry system operationally used on a U.S.
spacecraft. It was first tested on Explorer 6. The spacecraft was launched on March 11, 1960.
86.. Pioneer Venus 1 -
Pioneer Venus consisted of two spacecraft launched separately to study Venus: the orbiter and the multiprobe.
The Pioneer Venus 1 orbiter was launched May 20, 1978, from the Kennedy Space Center aboard an Atlas-
Centaur rocket. It went into orbit around Venus on Dec. 4, 1978. The orbiter peered through the clouds and produced the first
radar topographic map of most of the surface. It found a relatively
smooth planet, with the highest point, Maxwell Montes, at about seven miles (11 kilometers) above the surface.
The orbiter's cameras also detected continuous lightning. After a successful 14-year mission, it entered Venus'
atmosphere on August 1992.
87.. Venus Express -
was the first Venus exploration mission of the European Space Agency (ESA). Launched in
November 2005, it arrived at Venus in April 2006 and began continuously sending back science data from its polar
orbit around Venus. Equipped with seven scientific instruments, the main objective of the mission was the long term
observation of the Venusian atmosphere. The observation over such long periods of time had never been done in
previous missions to Venus, and was key to a better understanding of the atmospheric dynamics. It was hoped
thatsuch studies can contribute to an understanding of atmospheric dynamics in general, while also contributing to
an understanding of climate change on Earth. ESA concluded the mission in December 2014.
88.. Deimos-2 -
Deimos-2 is a Spanish remote sensing Earth observation satellite built for Elecnor Deimos under an agreement
with Satrec Initiative, a satellite manufacturing company in South Korea. is a follow-on imaging mission of Deimos-1 Imaging S. L. U., an Elecnor company of Boecillo, Spain. The Deimos-2 mission
is aimed at operating an agile minisatellite for high-resolution EO (Earth Observation) applications.
Launched in June 2014.
89.. DubaiSat-2 -
Deimos-2 almost-identical twin.DubaiSat-2 is an electro-optical Earth observation satellite built by the Emirates Institution for Advanced Science
and Technology under an agreement with Satrec Initiative, a satellite manufacturing company in South
Korea. EIAST's objective with DubaiSat-2 is to provide electro-optical images, that can be commercialized, for users
within theUnited Arab Emirates and beyond and to develop and implement new technologies not used in DubaiSat-1.
Launched on November 12, 2013.
90.. Exosat ( European X-ray Observatory Satellite) -
was an X-ray telescope
operational from May 1983 until April 1986 and in that time made 1780 observations in the X-ray band of most
classes of astronomical object including active galactic nuclei, stellar coronae, cataclysmic variables, white
dwarfs, X-ray binaries,clusters of galaxies, and supernova remnants.
EXOSAT was also unusual at the time because it featured an onboard computer.
It was also the forerunner of current X-ray telescopes such as ESA's XMM-Newton and NASA's Chandra satellite.
NOTE: This kit contains both detailed and easy versions.
91.. OSCAR-1 (Orbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio) -
Amateur Radio's first satellite, Launched on December 12, 1961, barely four years after the launch of Sputnik I.
It was the world's first piggyback satellite and the world's first private non-government spacecraft.
OSCAR I lasted 22 days ceasing operation on January 3, 1962, and re-entered January 31, 1962.
92.. OSCAR-2 (Orbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio) -
is the second amateur radio satellite launched by Project OSCAR into Low Earth Orbit.
OSCAR II was launched June 2, 1962.
93.. Reflector (Retroreflector Ensemble For Laser Experiments, Calibration, Testing
and Optical Research.) -
The REFLECTOR microsatellite development is a result of a joint effort of IPIE (Russia) and
AFRL (USA) was successfully launched December 10, 2001.It is a free-flying, passive (un-powered) spacecraft
carrying several groups of retroreflectors with specified spacing between them,
intended for testing and calibration of high-resolution ground-based optical telescopes when
laser illumination of targets is used.
94.. Kepler space telescope (K2) -
The Kepler mission has revolutionized exoplanet science,
surveying more than 150,000 stars in one region of our
galaxy and discovering an incredible diversity of
planets (More than 2,526 confirmed planets) orbiting other stars. The spacecraft was launched on March 7, 2009 and s retired on October 30, 2018.
95..Nozomi (Planet-B) -
Nozomi (Japanese for Hope and known before launch as Planet-B) was Japan's first interplanetary spacecraft and was a planned
Mars orbiting aeronomy mission designed to study the martian upper atmosphere and its interaction with the solar wind and to develop
technologies for use in future planetary missions.A faulty valve resulted in loss of propellant, leaving the spacecraft with insufficient
acceleration to reach its nominal trajectory.
The spacecraft passed by Mars at a range of about 620 miles (1,000 kilometers) and remains in
heliocentric orbit. Despite not accomplishing its primary mission, Nozomi provided important data
from its suite of scientific instruments.
96..SOHO (Solar & Heliospheric Observatory) -
is a project of international collaboration between ESA and NASA to study the Sun from its deep core to the outer corona and the solar wind.
As a consequence of its observing the Sun, SOHO (specifically the LASCO instrument) has inadvertently allowed
SOHO to become the single greatest comet finder of all time discovering its 200th comet as 2010 drew to a close.
SOHO had discovered over 2700 comets by April 2014, with an average discovery rate of one every 2.59 days. In September 2015, SOHO
discovered its 3000th comet.SOHO was launched on December 2, 1995.
97..Sputnik-1 -
Sputnik 1 ("Satellite-1", or Prosteyshiy Sputnik-1,"Elementary Satellite 1") was the first artificial Earth satellite. The Soviet Union launched it into an elliptical low Earth
orbit on October 4, 1957, orbiting for three weeks before its batteries died, then silently for two more months before
falling back into the atmosphere. It was a 58 cm (23 in) diameter polished metal sphere, with four external radio
antennas to broadcast radio pulses.
98..Deep Space-1 -
Deep Space 1 was the first interplanetary spacecraft to use an ion engine.
Deep Space 1 far outstripped its primary mission goals by also successfully flying by the
asteroid 9969 Braille and comet Borrelly. The flybys produced what are still considered some of the best
images and data ever collected from an up-close encounter with an asteroid or comet.
Launched on October 24, 1998.
99..Hope (Al Amal) Mars probe and H-II launch vehicle -
The United Arab Emirates has taken a historic first step to interplanetary exploration, with the launch of
the Arab world's first mission to Mars. The Hope, or Al Amal, spacecraft departed Earth from Tanegashima,
Japan onboard an H-IIA rocket. The spacecraft will create mankind's first integrated model of the
Red Planet's atmosphere. Launched on July 20, 2020.
NOTE: This kit contains both the spacecraft and the H-IIA launcher.
100..Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) -
collects and analyzes particles of solar, interplanetary, interstellar
and galactic origins. The data contributes to our understanding of the Sun, its interaction with Earth, and the
evolution of the solar system. ACE robotic spacecraft was launched August 25, 1997.
As of 2019, the spacecraft is still in generally good condition, and is projected to have enough propellant to maintain its
orbit until 2024.
101..Sprite-Sat (RISING) -
is a micro satellite in the size of 50 cm cube and weighing less than 50-kg, under the development by
Tohoku University. The satellite conducts scientific observation of atmospheric luminous emissions called "sprites".
The "sprites" are a type of Transient Luminous Events (TLE) observed in the middle atmosphere (typically 40-90 km
altitude, from upper Stratosphere to Mesosphere), which were first discovered in 1989. It is considered that large scale
thunderstorms are capable of producing such luminous events over the clouds.
SPRITE-SAT was successfully launched from Tanegashima Space Center in Japan on January 23rd, 2009.
102..Sprite-Sat-2 (RISING-2) -
is a cooperative microsatellite project of Tohoku University (Sendai) and Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. The primary
objective of the mission is Earth observation with a resolution of ~ 5 m. In particular, high-resolution cumulonimbus scenes will be
observed using the LCTF (Liquid Tunable Multispectral Filter) technique. The secondary objective is the observation of sprite
phenomena in the upper atmosphere.
103.. Chandra X-ray Observatory -
is a Flagship-class space telescope launched aboard theSpace Shuttle Columbia during STS-
93 by NASA on July 23, 1999. Chandra is sensitive to X-ray sources 100 times fainter than any previous X-ray
telescope, enabled by the high angular resolution of its mirrors. Chandra is designed to observe X-rays from
high-energy regions of the universe, such as the remnants of exploded stars.
104..Solar Maximum Mission (SolarMax) -
was launched February 14, 1980. It provided new insights into the nature of solar flares and precisely measured
the total energy of the sun. It observed more than 12,000 flares and over 1,200 coronal mass ejections during
its 10-year lifetime. It provided measurements of total solar output, magnetic field strengths on the sun, storage
and release of flare energy and particles accelerated from the sun's atmosphere.
On April 11, 1984 SMM became the first satellite in history to be retrieved, repaired, and redeployed in orbit
by a Shuttle crew (Challenger, STS-41C, April 6-13, 1984). SMM collected data until November 24, 1989
and re-entered on December 2, 1989.
Note: This model contains both the easy and detailed versions.
105..Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) satellite -
has been providing data on the sun's
irradiance for 10 years. SORCE measures electromagnetic radiation produced by the sun and the power per
unit area of that energy on the Earth's surface. SORCE has set a new standard of accuracy,
precision, and wavelength range for the sun's irradiance.
SORCE was launched on January 25, 2003 and began normal operations on March 6, 2003.
SORCE data has provided scientists a unique understanding of how the sun varies both slowly and
rapidly, affecting Earth's weather and climate systems and ultimately all the life on
Earth that depends on the sun's flow of energy. NASA decommissioned SORCE on February 25, 2020, after 17 years of operation (over three times the original
design life of five years).
106..Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory -
is a NASA space observatory designed to detect gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). It was launched on November 20,
2004, aboard a Delta II rocket. It has the optimum capabilities for the next breakthroughs in determining the
origin of GRBs and their afterglows, as well as using bursts to probe the early Universe.
Swift will also perform the first sensitive hard X-ray survey of the sky.
By 2019, after almost 15 years of operation, Swift had detected more than 1,400 gamma-ray bursts. The most
distant of these, GRB 090429B, detected on April 29, 2009, exploded about 13 billion light-years from Earth.
107..Solar Dynamics Observatory -
is the first mission to be launched for NASA's Living With a Star (LWS)
Program, a program designed to understand the causes of solar variability and its impacts on Earth. SDO is
designed to help us understand the Sun's influence on Earth and Near-Earth space by studying the solar
atmosphere on small scales of space and time and in many wavelengths simultaneously.
SDO's goal is to understand, driving towards a predictive capability, the solar variations that influence life on
Earth and humanity's technological systems.
SDO launched on February 11, 2010 on an Atlas V from Cape Canaveral.
108..Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) -
was the first mission to image an entire cycle of solar activity, studying the sun at both its turbulent
maximum and demure minimum. TRACE was a satellite mission designed to deepen understanding of our dynamic sun's activity, by exploring
the connections between fine-scale magnetic fields and the associated grand-scale plasma structures on the
sun. TRACE imaged the magnetic structures which emerge from the photosphere - the visible surface of the
sun - and ultimately define the geometry and dynamics of the upper solar atmosphere, composed of the
transition region and corona.
Trace was launched on April 2, 1998, and obtained its last science image on June 21, 2010.
109..Intasat (Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aerospacial Satellite) -
The first Spanish satellite, Launched on November 15, 1974, on a Delta rocket from the Vandenberg
base (California).
110.. Palapa B2 and Westar-6 -
Were the first satellites in history to be retrieved, repaired and relaunched.
On November 1984, Shuttle Discovery (STS 51-A) captured both satellites and returned them
back to Earth. They were then repaired and later relaunched under different names.
111..Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich-
Designed to measure the height of the ocean - a key component to understanding how Earth's climate is
changing - Sentinel-6/Jason CS consists of two identical satellites that will be launched five years apart.
The staggered launches will help to ensure the continuation of a decades-long record of sea level
observations out to 2030. Sentinel-6 builds on heritage from the Jason series of ocean topography satellites.
The first satellite was launched on November 21, 2020 and Sentinel-6B, which will launch in 2025.
112..Courier-1B -
Courier 1B, the world's first active repeater communications satellite, was successfully launched October 4, 1960
from Cape Canaveral, Florida. Courier 1B had the capability of "real time" messaging.
113..Symphonie -
The Symphonie satellites (2 satellites orbited) were the first communications satellites built by France and
Germany (and the first to use three-axis stabilization in geostationary orbit with abipropellant propulsion system) to
provide geostationary orbit injection and station-keeping during their operational lifetime. After the launch of the
second flight model, they comprised the first complete telecommunications satellite system (including an on-orbit
spare and a dedicated ground control segment). They were the result of a program of formal cooperation between
France and Germany. Symphonie A, launched December 19, 1974 from Kennedy Space Center (Cape Canaveral)
aboard Delta-2914 rocket.
114..New Horizons -
New Horizons is the first mission to explore Pluto and the Kuiper Belt, the "third zone" of our solar system, a region beyond the
rocky inner planets and the outer giant gas planets. The spacecraft was launched in January 19, 2006
On July 14, 2015, it flew 12,500 km (7,800 mi) above the surface of Pluto, making it the first
spacecraft to explore the dwarf planet.Having completed its flyby of Pluto, New Horizons then maneuvered
for a flyby of Kuiper belt object 486958 Arrokoth (then nicknamed Ultima Thule), which occurred on January 1,
2019, when it was 43.4 AU from the Sun.
115..TIROS-I (Television Infrared Observations Satellite) -
The world's first weather satellite, was launched on April 1, 1960
from Cape Canaveral, Florida. The main objective of the TIROS program was to
demonstrate the feasibility and capability of observing the Earth's cloud cover and
weather patterns from space. It also was the first satellite to test sun angle and horizon
sensor systems for spacecraft orientation.
116..Azur -
Azur was Germany's first satellite that studied the Van Allen belts, solar particles, and aurorae. Azur is
German for "sky blue" and was launched into a near-polar orbit on November 8, 1969.
117..FaSat-Alfa and Fasat-Bravo -
Fasat-Alfa is a microsatellite , the first artificial Earth satellite manufactured in Chile in cooperation with
the University of Surrey , UK .Fasat-Alfa was launched on August 31, 1995 from the Plesetsk cosmodrome using the Cyclone-
3 launch vehicle together with the first satellite of independent Ukraine, Sich-1 . After launching into orbit, the
vehicles were supposed to separate. This did not happen, and all onboard systems were disabled on the Fasat-
Alfa. The tasks were not completed.
FASat-Bravo was built as a replacement for the failed FASat-Alfa, paying special attention to the separation mechanism.
FASat-Bravo became Chile's first successful satellite. It was launched as a secondary charge aboard a Zenit-2 rocket, it took place on July 10, 1998.
118..Sojourner -
Sojourner is a robotic Mars rover that landed on July 4, 1997. The rover was the first
wheeled vehicle to rove another planet, and was part of the Mars Pathfinder mission.
Sojourner was active for 83 sols (85 Earth days). The rover communicated with Earth through
the Pathfinder base station, which had its last successful communication session with Earth on
September 27, 1997. It traveled a distance of just over 100 meters (330 ft).
119..Cassini-Huygens -
a space probe to study the planet Saturn and its system, including its rings and moons.
The Flagship-class robotic spacecraft comprised both NASA's Cassini space probe and ESA's Huygens lander,
which landed on Saturn's largest moon, Titan.
Launched aboard a Titan IVB/Centaur on October 15, 1997, Cassini was active in space for nearly 20 years,
with 13 years spent orbiting Saturn while studying the planet and its system after entering orbit on July 1, 2004.
The Huygens module traveled with Cassini until its separation from the probe on December 25, 2004;
Huygens landed by parachute on Titan on January 14, 2005. It returned data to Earth for around 90 minutes
using the orbiter as a relay.
This was the first landing ever accomplished in the outer Solar System and the first
landing on a moon other than Earth's Moon.
This kit contains both models.
120..Ingenuity (Mars Helicopter) -
Ingenuity is a small robotic solar helicopter operating on Mars as part of NASA's Mars 2020 mission. On 19 April
2021, it successfully completed the first powered controlled flight by an aircraft on a planet besides Earth, taking off
vertically, hovering and landing. The battery-powered coaxial drone rotorcraft is serving as a technology
demonstrator for the potential use of flying probes on future missions to Mars and other worlds, and will have the
potential to scout locations of interest and support the future planning of driving routes forMars rovers.
Ingenuity completed 5 successfull flights between April 19 to May 7, 2021.
121..Hubble Space Telescope -
The Hubble Space Telescope (HST), launched in April 24,1990 is one of the most iconic satellites in history.
Few telescopes in history have had such a profound impact on astronomical research as the Hubble
Space Telescope. In its 31 years of operation, Hubble has not only helped shape scientists' view of the
universe, but it has also brought a glimpse of the wonders of the cosmos to homes worldwide.
The world's first space-based optical telescope after American astronomer Edwin P. Hubble
(1889 -- 1953). Dr. Hubble confirmed an "expanding" universe, which provided the foundation for the big-
bang theory.
122..SkySat 4-21 -
The SkySat Satellite Constellation currently consists of 21 micro satellites in orbit with the first satellite
launch of SkySat-1 in 2013, the other 19 satellites are modernised C Generation satellites.
SkySat-C satellites are the first commercial earth observation satellites manufactured by Planet Lab (formerly Terra
Bella) and is licensed to collect 50cm high resolution multi-spectral satellite and 0.81m panchromatic imagery for
various applications in energy, defense, agriculture, forestry and environmental monitoring.
Three of the SkySats (SkySat-16, -17 and -18) were launched on top of a stack of 58 SpaceX Starlink-8
satellites on 13 June 2020 aboard a Falcon 9 rocket, and three more (SkySat-19, 20 and 21)
hitched a ride on another SpaceX mission on August 18, 2020.
This model represents SkySats 4-21 modernised C Generation satellites.
123..Herschel -
The Herschel mission, a trailblazing space observatory that provided a unique view of our cosmos during its
almost four years of operations, leaves a legacy of treasured data, thousands of scientific papers, as well as a
new generation of astronomers who cut their professional teeth on this remarkable endeavour.
Launched in May 14,2009, Herschel was the largest infrared telescope ever built and the first space observatory to
scrutinise the sky at longer, sub-millimetre wavelengths.
Note - this kit contains both the detailed and easy versions.
124..ISO (Infrared Space Observatory) -
The Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) was the world's first true orbiting infrared observatory. Equipped with four highly-
sophisticated and versatile scientific instruments, it was launched by Ariane rocket in November 1995 and provided astronomers
world-wide with a facility of unprecedented sensitivity and capabilities for a detailed exploration of the Universe at infrared
wavelengths. The mission was a great technical, operational and scientific success with most satellite sub-systems operating far better
than specifications and with its scientific results impacting practically all fields of astronomy.
ISO was then permanently switched off on May 16, 1998.
125..XRISM X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (pronounced "crism") -
An X-ray space telescope mission of the Japan Aerospace Exploration
Agency (JAXA) in partnership with NASA to provide breakthroughs in the study of structure formation of the
universe, outflows from galaxy nuclei, and dark matter. As the only international X-ray observatory project of its
period, XRISM will function as a next generation space telescope in the X-ray astronomy field.
NOTE: This Kit contains the detailed and easy versions with the H2 launch vehicle.
126..JUICE (Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer) -
A European Space Agency (ESA) mission to explore Jupiter and three of its icy moons: Europa, Callisto and Ganymede.
JUICE was successfully launched on April 14, 2023, at 8:14 a.m. EDT (1214 GMT) from Europe's Spaceport in
Kourou, French Guiana.
127..Psyche -
The first-ever mission to study a metal-rich asteroid, Psyche aims to help
scientists learn more about the formation of rocky bodies in our solar
system. The Psyche spacecraft will travel to a metal-rich asteroid of the same
name orbiting the Sun between Jupiter and Mars in pursuit of studying
the exposed nickel-iron core of an early planet, one of the building
blocks of our solar system. The mission will also demonstrate NASA's
first deep space test of the Deep Space Optical Communications
(DSOC) system - high-bandwidth optical communications through
space and back to Earth - from distances far exceeding the Moon -
using a near-infrared laser. launched on October 13, 2023.
128..IXPE (Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer) -
IXPE is the first mission to study the polarization of X-rays from many different types
of celestial objects. Measuring the polarization of X-rays traces the story of where this light
came from, including the geometry and inner workings of its source.
IXPE was launched on December 9, 2021 on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.
129..LUCY -
Lucy is the first mission to investigate the Trojans, a population of never-explored asteroids orbiting
the Sun in tandem with Jupiter. The project aims to understand the formation and evolution of planetary
systems by conducting flybys of these remnants of giant planet formation.
It is also the farthest solar-powered mission from the Sun and will visit a record-breaking
number of asteroids. LUCY was launched on October 16, 2021.
130..Odysseus (NOVA-C Lander) -
The United States is back on the moon for the first time since the Apollo astronauts set
foot there more than 50 years ago.
What's more, the vehicle that achieved the feat is now the world's first commercial spacecraft to land on a
celestial body other than Earth.
"Odysseus," Intuitive Machines' first Nova-C lander, touched down on Feb. 22, 2024 seven days after
launching from Earth.Odysseus has already made a bit of history on its journey through space.
The vehicle is powered by a single engine that is fueled by liquid oxygen, or LOX, and liquid methane,
which are tricky propellants because they have to remain at super-chilled temperatures.
The spacecraft is also the first to ever use those fuels while in orbit.
131..AKARI -
AKARI means "light" in Japanese, the first Japanese satellite dedicated to infrared astronomy,
was launched on February 21, 2006 and started observations in May of the same year.
Its primary mission was to survey the entire sky in near-, mid- and far-infrared, through its 68.5 cm (27.0 in) aperture
telescope. The satellite reentered the atmosphere on 11 April 2023.
NOTE: This kit contains both the Detailed and Easy Versions.
132..Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP) -
the first hyperspectral satellite developed and built in Germany. With its two spectrometers,
it analyses the solar radiation reflected from Earth's surface at wavelengths
ranging from visible light to short-wave infrared - at a hitherto unparalleled spectral resolution.
This information can be used to make precise statements about conditions on Earth's surface
and how they are changing.
EnMAP was launched on the Transporter-4 dedicated rideshare mission of SpaceX on 1 April 2022.
133..MethaneSAT -
The data gathered by MethaneSAT - which we launched into orbit on March 4, 2024 - will help
measure methane pollution from oil and gas facilities worldwide, with both broad scope and exacting
It will measure methane emitted by oil and gas infrastructure worldwide at a level of precision and on a fine
scale never before achieved - and at a fraction of the cost of most space missions. MethaneSAT
will be a key tool in EDF's strategy to reduce methane emissions from the oil and gas industry by
45% by 2025 and nearly eliminate emissions by 2050.
134..Tanager Satellite -
Tanager-1 is a groundbreaking hyperspectral satellite launched on Aug. 16, 2024.
The launch marks a critical milestone in Carbon Mapper's work to drive local
action on methane and CO 2 super-emitters, globally.
Data from this satellite will dramatically improve our ability to pinpoint leaks of methane and CO 2 and ensure
action is taken to stop them. It's a great example of how new technology can lead to more transparency and
faster progress in cutting emissions - which is needed to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.
135..Blue Ghost Lander -
Blue Ghost lunar lander launched on January 15, 2025
and landed on the moon on March 2, 2025.
The NASA payloads on this flight will help advance lunar research and conduct several
first-of-their-kind technology demonstrations, strengthening our understanding of the Moon's
environment and helping prepare for human missions to the lunar surface.